Sunday 28 February 2010

The Fox

This is how i created my fox so far, im not to happy with the design and i am going to redesign it, as the fox looks rather scary and this is to be aimed at childrens TV.
I started by creating a rough drawing of a fox in paint for the side view, the put in onto a plain in max. Once the image was on the plain i positioned it for the left veiw port and froze the guild picture.

I started creating plains to match the outer edges of the guild picture, and did this for the entire of the body shape, this was done but using the edge of each plain and shift-Dragging the plain out to create another plain. I made sure there where polygons in a good position for the more detailed parts to the fox.

Once the previouse stage was completed i use the same shift-drag meathod on the entire outer edge of the fox to give the fox a 3D body.

I appiled the symetry modifier to the fox, and moved the verticies of the fox in the top view until i was satisfied with the shape of the fox's body.

I Extruded out the poylgons to create the ears and on the front polygon of the ear i used the inset tool, and moved the new polygon i to give the ears there shape. I created a sphere for the eye of the crazy fox.

I worked on the edges of the back leg joint until i was satisfied with the shape of the fox's hip, by moving the edges out.

Once the hips had been moulded the legs where extruded down to create the rest of the leg and paws of the fox.

The back legs where then shapped in the side view port to match the shape of the leg on the reference image. I used the same method to create the front legs.

The tail was the extrude out from the back of the fox, and shaped using the left veiw port.

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