Friday 7 May 2010

Clip 2

Clip 2 is of the lion walking towards the watering whole. I imported the lion into the scene and positioned him in the direction i wanted him to walk in. I activated mixer mode and loaded a pre created walk bip file i made. There was an issue with this, the lion kept snapping back to its default position when it entered the stage. The only way i found to get around this error was you rotate the stage and everything in it to match the position of the lion.

Once positioned the lion walked toward the watering whole well. I decided i wanted to have a constant close up on the lion through out the scene, so i created a camera too follow the lion as the lion walked. The lion walking felt very static at this point the legs moved but there was nothing really in the walk. To change this i went back into my main lion file and change the walk bip, to this time bob the lions head from side to side, giving a more realistic walk effect.
The lion walk sequence was complete the only issue i had was with the edge of the stage in view in the camera, this was simply edited my extending the edge of the base plane and extruding up some hills. The hills blended with the mud and grass very well.

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