Monday 3 May 2010

The Fox - Biped

Once the models where created it was time to prep them for animation. I started with adding in the biped and rotating it so it faces the floor, and scale it to an appropriate size.

Placing the Biped within the body, i was able to scale the individual bones of the biped to match the placements on the fox.
Using the Rotate tool i moved the bided's thighs, and upper arms into position, in the middle of the mesh. Once this was complete it was time to shape the rest of the biped. Moving the different bones to fit with there mesh.

Once the main body was completed the tail bones where positioned in the center of the tail mesh.

The Neck and head where then positioned, starting with the bottom neck link and rotating each one into position. Once the head was rotated into position, 2 ponytails where added, and used for the upper and lower jaw.

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